{ "name": "GANESH DIGITAL", "short_name": "GD-VPM", "description": "We all have some happy moments in our life that becomes an everlasting memory for us. it may be the time spent with our loved ones, wedding, birthday, house warming, family functions, some deed like shop or business inauguration, sports and games etc. it may differ from person to person. \nwe at ganesh digital ensure to capture and record your special moments in life and give you tons of happiness and joy every time you turn the pages of albums and watch the clips of memorable moments. our expertise in capturing life's best moments over 20 years make us better every time we make people happy. our thousands of happy customers are our brand ambassadors \nwe will be happy to work for you in an occasion that makes life beautiful .\nawaiting for your call.\n our services \n\nexclusive app\n\ncustomized page for each customer \n\npersonalized access to select and finalize photos\n\nonline access\n\naffordable price \n\nbest in class customer support \n\nhi-tech cameras and software for best output \n\nprofessional photographers\nganesh digital\n ....... memories recorded\n\nour services \n\n\nexclusive app\n\ncustomized page for each customer \n\npersonalized access to select and finalize photos\n\nonline access\n\naffordable price \n\nbest in class customer support \n\nhi-tech cameras and software for best output \n\nprofessional\u00a0photographers\n\nganesh digitals\n ....... memories\u00a0recorded", "prefer_related_applications": true, "related_applications": [ { "platform": "play", "url": "https:\/\/play.google.com\/store\/apps\/details?id=in.photomall.app.viluppuram.ganeshdigital", "id": "in.photomall.app.viluppuram.ganeshdigital" } ], "start_url": "..\/..\/", "display": "standalone", "background_color": "#581112", "theme_color": "#ffffff", "orientation": "portrait-primary", "icons": [ { "src": "https:\/\/cdn.photomall.in\/photomall\/studio-icon-j5ej9yed_192", "sizes": "192x192", "type": "image\/png" }, { "src": "https:\/\/cdn.photomall.in\/photomall\/studio-icon-j5ej9yed", "sizes": "512x512", "type": "image\/png" } ] }